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Aeon Woods will be the first conservation cemetery in New York State (and only the second natural cemetery) so you may have a few questions about natural burials and conservation. We’ll try to answer some of them here.

General Questions

What is a natural burial?

Natural burial is an eco-friendly way of interring the deceased without embalming fluids, concrete vaults, or non-biodegradable materials. The body is placed in a biodegradable container or shroud, allowing it to decompose naturally and enrich the soil.

Is natural burial legal?

Yes, natural burial is legal in all 50 states but regulations and particulars may vary.

What are the requirements for a natural burial?

Natural burials typically require:

  • No embalming
  • No concrete vaults
  • Use of biodegradable containers or shrouds

Can I use a casket?

Yes, as long as it is biodegradable. Options include unfinished wood, wicker, or cloth shrouds made from natural fibers like cotton or linen.

How long do I have to bury my loved one?

The time frame varies by state. Some states require burial or refrigeration within 24 hours; refrigeration can extend this timeline.

Can I pre-plan a natural burial?

Yes, many natural burial sites allow pre-planning, including selecting a burial plot and completing paperwork in advance.

Are there restrictions on burial attire?

Yes, burial attire should be made from biodegradable materials like cotton, linen, or wool. Synthetic fabrics and non-biodegradable items are typically prohibited.

Environmental Considerations

How do natural cemeteries impact the environment?

Natural cemeteries minimize environmental impact by avoiding harmful chemicals and promoting biodiversity through native plant growth.

What is the carbon footprint of a natural burial compared to cremation?

Natural burials have a lower carbon footprint. Cremation requires significant energy and releases CO2, while natural burials promote carbon sequestration.

How much land is required for a natural burial?

Natural burial sites use less land than traditional cemeteries, as they avoid large headstones and vaults. Many are part of conservation areas.

Family Involvement

Can families participate in the burial process?

Yes, families are encouraged to help dig graves, conduct ceremonies, or assist in other meaningful ways.

Is it possible to have a viewing before burial?

Yes, though embalming is not required. Families can arrange a viewing that aligns with their preferences.

Can I visit the burial site?

Yes, most natural burial sites offer walking paths and quiet spaces for reflection and remembrance.

Conservation and Biodiversity

What is conservation burial?

Conservation burial focuses on eco-friendly practices while protecting and restoring land. Burial fees often support land conservation efforts.

How do natural burials contribute to biodiversity?

Natural burials promote biodiversity by creating habitats for wildlife, supporting pollinators, and fostering native plant growth.

Practical Considerations

What happens if I pass away in a different state?

The body can be transported to the chosen burial site, subject to state regulations. Refrigeration or dry ice may be required during transport.

How are natural burial sites maintained?

Maintenance involves controlling invasive species, promoting native plants, and preserving trails while keeping the landscape natural.

Financial and Legal Questions

Does insurance cover natural burial?

Yes, most life insurance policies cover natural burial as part of funeral expenses.

Are there tax benefits for conservation burials?

In some cases, burial fees that support land conservation may qualify as charitable contributions. Consult a tax professional for details.

Religious and Cultural Considerations

Which religions support natural burial practices?

Many religions, including Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Indigenous spiritualities, Buddhism, and Quakerism, align with natural burial principles of simplicity, respect for the body, and environmental stewardship.

How do natural burials accommodate cultural or religious ceremonies?

Natural burials are flexible and can incorporate rituals, prayers, or other traditions, provided they align with ecological guidelines.

Reasons to Consider Natural Burial

Besides the environment, why might I choose a natural burial?

Natural burials offer:

  • Cost-effectiveness: Lower overall expenses compared to traditional funerals.
  • Simplicity and personalization: Unique, meaningful ceremonies.
  • Peaceful locations: Burial sites in serene natural settings.
  • Family involvement: Encourages connection and closure.
  • Cultural and spiritual alignment: Resonates with traditions that emphasize simplicity.
  • Land restoration legacy: Contributes to conservation efforts.
  • Avoidance of toxic chemicals: Reduces exposure to harmful substances.